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Customer Day Book

Customer Day Book


The customer day book is also known as the sales day book or the sales book. The detailed information for each credit sale to customers, including customer name, invoice number, invoice date and invoice amount are recorded in this report. In a manually maintained accounting system, the daily total of the customer day book is transferred into the customer ledger.


In Mr Accounting, you can adjust the period to calculate the sale totals and filter data to include in the report.

1.    This is a shortcut to change the date range to one day, one month, three months, or one year


Daily Total: Sum up all invoiced amounts into totals daily


Export for Import Module: Export customer data into an Excel template [see below]


Select the transaction type: Choose which type of transaction to include in the report



The transactions are totaled for the selected period (e.g. select the daily total for 28/05/2015).





Export for Import Module

This function allows you to quickly export data for this report into columns in Microsoft Excel. After you select your date and filter data, this window will pop up when you tick Export for Import Module.



1.    Select the transaction type to include for export


2.    The columns with an asterisk (*) are a compulsory field that needs to be filled up

3.    Select Export to export all data into columns with these headers for data analysis etc