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GST Calculator

GST Calculator

What is GST Calculator?

GST Calculator is an intelligent calculation application that allow you to calculate GST amount easily. It can be used as reserve GST calculator as well. You can calculate the amount of 6% GST that included in a price as well as amount of 6% GST to be included in a price.

Benefits of Using GST Calculator

    Automated calculation- You might want to include GST in your product price, or to calculate how much GST is included in the price of a particular product. GST calculator can help you to do this.

How GST Calculator Works?

1.    The value we want to count.

2.    Total value based on the value we want to count.

3.    Tax code will be based on the Tax Setting in Mr. Accounting.

4.    Tax rate is based on the tax code of your choice.

5.    This column shows the amount of GST that is included in the total value.

6.    This column shows the amount of GST to be included in the total value.