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Monthly Sales Graph

Monthly sales graph

Monthly Sales Invoice & Receipt

This report summarises the total invoiced and receipt amounts for all customers for each month in the financial period. The amounts before are totalled under “B/F” and later totalled under “Future”.

1.    Invoice amount (inclusive tax) each month this financial year

2.    Receipt amount for each month in this financial year

3.    Year to Date Balance: Remaining balance of customers for each month.

Invoice: á balance

Receipt:â balance

4.    The invoice sales and receipts are depicted in this graph

Note: For Cash Sales, this is considered as both an invoice and receipt on that date


Monthly Revenue

1.    Revenue for each month shown in a bar chart format.

2.    Total revenue for each month (exclusive GST). This includes a total for future amounts

Note: For these graphs, you can use the Prtsc key to save the image to put in PowerPoint etc.