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Profit and Loss

Profit and Loss


The Profit and Loss statement (P&L) of income statement is a summary of the financial performance of a business over time (e.g. monthly, quarterly or more commonly annually). The revenues, costs and expenses incurred in the selected period are summarised in this report. This calculates the profit for the business, and allows you to assess whether the change in profit is due to a change in revenue, costs or both.

There are three types of P&L as follows:

Profit or Loss

This is the standard format for the P&L statement.

Title: You can edit the title that appears at the top of the report. Select either “Profit & Loss A/C” or “Income Statement”.

You can use these shortcuts to quickly set the period above:

12 Months Profit and Loss: This is the standard format. The period of the P&L is set to the financial period that you set under the Company Profile Settings.

Month 13-18 Profit and Loss: The P&L period corresponds to the period 6 months after this financial period

Current Month Profit and Loss: Set the period to the current month

Comparison Profit and Loss: This is to compare the results for a month with another month in the previous year

18 Months Profit and Loss: This report allow users to print out P&L for 18 months in single P&L statement (if your current financial period months 12 and not exits 18 months)

Grouping Account: Tick this to group all sub GL code balances under one main GL codeProfit or Loss by Department

You are given an option to filter only transactions by department [see red box].



Profit or Loss by Job

You are given an option to filter only transactions by job [see red box].


Standard 12 month P&L for this financial period.