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Self Bill Invoice

Self Bill Invoice


Self-billing is a commercial arrangement between a supplier and a customer, in which the customer prepares the supplier’s invoice and forwards a copy to the supplier with the payment. You may issue self-billed invoices to your suppliers if they have agreed to this method of accounting.

The self-billed invoice may include GST in Malaysia if the requisite conditions are met.

In terms of how to use, the Self Bill Invoice is the same as Purchase Order, except that the voucher uses a different prefix, i.e. “SBI”. Also, there is no Scheduled Delivery tab for a Self Bill Invoice.

Similar to Purchase Order, the Update GL button posts the transaction under Purchase Entry in the Supplier module. You still need to match payment with the purchase invoice to settle the payment.

Self Bill Invoice Quick View screen

The Order, Received and Update GL buttons trigger the On Order, Delivered, and Posted columns respectively [in red boxes]



Create New/Edit Self Bill Invoice

Select New to create new self bill invoice and double click on each entry to edit their details.

Self Bill Invoice tab

The format is similar to the transaction screen for Purchase Order [see above].



Delivery Address tab

The delivery address here is also created based on the warehouse addresses [refer to the Delivery Address tab in the Purchase Order transaction screen.