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Supplier Master

Supplier Master


Supplier Master Quick View screen

1.    A  Red supplier means that their balance is over the credit limit


Supplier details

Select New to create new supplier and double click on each supplier to edit their details.

1.    Double click to edit supplier details

2.    Create new supplier


Supplier Details tab

The supplier details tabs on top are similar to those in the Customer Master.

1.    Similar to the customer code in Customer Master, this cannot be changed after you have selected Save

2.    The company number needs to be entered for GST claiming purposes.

3.    To attach a file (e.g. pdf file about K1 form) for easy access of viewing

Note: A new window will pop out to prompt you to fill in supplier company number if you leave it blank and Save [see below].




Default/Credit Settings tab


1.    Default tax, GL codes, and for salesman, job and department.

2.    GST Number for supplier and their GST registration date.

Default Settings

Purchase Tax Code: Set the default tax code for transactions for this supplier.


Credit Settings

Credit Limit: As per Customer Master, the credit limit here is the maximum amount of money that is allowed to be owed by us to the supplier. This is determined by the supplier or our own internal credit policy. The supplier is listed in red in Supplier Master if outstamding balance exceeds this.

Terms: You can type whether this supplier is paid on “CASH” or “CREDIT” terms

Credit Period: Maximum period to receive payment (this used to calculate “Which supplier do we need to pay by today” in MIS module). Type C.O.D. (Cash on Delivery) for a cash-based supplier.


GST Settings

Note: A new window will pop out to prompt you to fill in supplier GST number if you leave it blank and Save [see below].



The Customs of Malaysia is interested in the company number and the GST registration number of your supplier. First of all, you can only claim back GST from a registered trader, therefore there should be a GST Number.

Secondly, the Customs needs this information to trace back transactions to see if they actually occurred by matching them with the sales entry of your supplier. Also, the Customs need to determine whether this transaction is standard rated and claimable for tax.

The GST information is less important for our customers because whether we charge GST depends on our own GST registration status.



Monthly Purchases tab

This shows the total invoiced (from Purchase Entry) and payment (in Supplier Payment) amount for purchases for each month, and in the previous and next accounting periods. The month for invoiced and payment amount is based on the document date (invoice or payment date).

1.    These months will change based on the accounting period.

Example:  1/6/2015 – 31/5/2016 will make the months change to June to May



Turnover Graph tab

This shows total purchases for each month in this financial period and next financial period. This is used for analysis for management purposes.



1.    Purchases for each month (from Purchase Entry).

2.    Purchases after this financial accounting period (e.g. for next year).

3.    Bar chart that shows purchases for each month.



History tab

This shows all transactions for this customer. It is similar to History button in SupplierMaster.





Memo tab

You can enter additional details and remarks for this supplier here (other than those already keyed in under the Supplier Details tab above).





Opening Balance

If you are continuing your accounts from another software or you first start using accounting software (i.e. previously you done bookkeeping on paper), you may have outstanding invoices from each supplier from the previous period.

You should key in outstanding invoices for each supplier in their respective Opening Balance tabs.

How to key in outstanding invoices under the Opening Balance tab?

1.    Step 1: Date is the day before the first day you start using Mr. Accounting.

Example: Start using 1/4/2015. Date should be 31/3/2015

2.    Step 2: Enter reference as PINV01, 02 etc (key in all outstanding invoices)

3.    Step 3: Enter amount outstanding for the invoices. Press Enter to add the item to the list.

4.    Note: To delete the entry select the entry and press the Delete key on the keyboard