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Cash Book Payment

Cash Book Payment


The Cash Book Payment transaction is for payment of expenses which are not trade related. Trade related transactions are done in the Supplier module.

Cash Book Payment Quick View screen


Create New/Edit Cash Book Payment details

Select New to create new entry and double click on a cash book payment transaction to edit.

1.    Details in Quick View screen are from these fields

2.    The Bill/Ref No and Description fields are picked up from the Cheque/Ref No and Payment Description fields above respectively when you click on the field

3.    Users are required key in supplier GST information to meet requirement set by Custom for claim the GST

Print voucher/summary

Select the Print button from Cash Book Payment Quick View screen. A new window opens as below.

1.    Select format to print [see below]


Voucher Format (Debit & Credit)

This prints out a voucher containing the debit and credit double entries.


Voucher Format

This prints out cheque details followed by the other debit accounting entries below.

Voucher Format (Cheque Printing)

You can select this format to print the name, date, and amount on a cheque, instead of handwriting the cheque. The format depends on the Cheque Format that you set for this GL code.

Summary Format

This format displays a summary of double entries for each voucher no and date. Multiple vouchers are displayed on the page, instead of only one per page for the debit & credit voucher format.