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Fixed Assets Category

Fixed Assets Category


As mentioned in Fixed Asset Register before, you need to first create a category in Fixed Assets Category before you are able to create a fixed asset in Fixed Asset Register. This helps categorise and filter fixed assets by their category in the reports. Also, the depreciation method used and amount charged are based on the fixed asset category.

Fixed Assets Category Quick View screen

1.    Print: You can select a category and then select Print to display a fixed asset category list and their details [see example below]

Example: Print fixed asset category list

Note: You can only print one category at a time


Create New/Edit fixed asset details

Select New to create a new fixed asset category and double click to edit category details.

1.    These details are picked up in the Fixed Asset Register, after you select the fixed asset category

2.    You can set disposal GL codes in product category which will be used when you make a disposal transaction (optional)

Category Code: This has maximum length of 10 characters (letter or numbers)

Category Description: You can enter a brief description for this category here

Asset Life: Enter the life of this fixed asset when bought in Year(s) and Month(s)

Yearly Depreciation Rate: This is the percentage of depreciation charged per year

Depreciation Method

Straight line: Constant depreciation charged as a percentage of the fixed asset cost price

Reducing balance: Depreciation is charged as a percentage of the residual value (after depreciation value) of the fixed asset. This pattern is for fixed assets that undergo technological obsolescence relatively quickly, such that usage in early periods result in higher depreciation

Written off: This flags the fixed asset as ‘written-off’. No depreciation is charged after being flagged. You need to create a separate Disposal transaction if you are selling off the fixed asset.

Reducing balance LCCI: Depreciation is calculated as a percentage of the monthly residual balance of the fixed asset, not the yearly residual balance

Balance Sheet Accum Depre: Set the contra fixed asset accumulated depreciation GL code (2XXXX).

Profit Loss Depr. Charge: Set the depreciation charges GL code (7XXXX).