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Fixed Assets Register

Fixed Assets Register


The Fixed Asset Register is considered as a master file that stores the detailed information for fixed assets, similar to Customer or Supplier Master.

This module only stores information for fixed assets that you have already bought. First, you need to create a purchase transaction for the fixed asset. You can use Purchase Entry in the Supplier module to create a purchase transaction.

Note: Before creating a fixed asset here, you need to create a category under Fixed Assets Category first!

Fixed Assets Register Quick View screen.

1.    Print: This is to print out a fixed asset list and their details [see example below]

Example: Print fixed asset list


Create New/Edit fixed asset details

Select New to create a new fixed asset and double click on a fixed asset to edit details.


Fixed Assets Code Details tab

1.    You can Add and Remove an image for this fixed asset

2.    Depreciation Method and Asset Life are selected automatically based on Asset Category

Asset Code: This is a unique code that is 20 characters (numbers or letters) long. Similar to customer code, supplier code etc, you cannot change this code after you have saved it.

Asset Name: Type in the name of the fixed asset here

Description: You can enter other details about this fixed asset here

Asset Category: You need to create categories under Fixed Assets Category first before you can select them here. This is used to categorise and filter fixed assets in reports. The depreciation method and percentages are also recorded based on the fixed asset category.

Link Asset Code: You can link this asset to another fixed asset. For example, the linked asset might be an add-on to this asset, like a printer to a computer etc.

Supplier: You can create a supplier in Supplier Master and select them here to keep a record of the supplier you bought this fixed asset from

Date of Purchase: Refer for the date of fixed assets acquisition(for new assets) for the existing fixed assets users just key in the last date of latest depreciation date example 31 December 2016.

Department and Job Code: Just like category, you can set a department and job code for this fixed asset to help filter and categorise the fixed asset in reports

Last Service Date and Next Service Date: Keep a record of servicing history for this fixed asset

Depreciation Details tab

1.    Set the Credit entry to an accumulated depreciation GL code (2XXXX). This is a contra fixed asset account.

2.    Set the Debit entry to an depreciation expenses GL code (7XXXX).

3.    Depreciation rate is the percentage of depreciable value depreciated per year

4.    Depreciation to Date is the amount of accumulated depreciation to date


Cost Price: This is the cost price of the fixed asset. For the purposes of depreciation, this should be exclusive of GST.

Residue Value: This is the remaining value of the fixed asset after it is fully depreciated. In accounting terms, it is the Cost Price less Depreciable Value.

Depreciable Value: This is calculated automatically as the difference between Cost Price and Residue Value

Net Book Value: This is calculated automatically based on Cost PriceDepreciation To Date

Next Depreciation: This is the depreciation amount that is calculated next period (month)

Date Last Posted: This is the date of the last (most recent) depreciation posting using the Month End Transaction screen

Disposal Date: If you have created a disposal transaction under Disposal screen, then the date of this transaction is showed here



Capital Allowance tab

Capital allowance refers to sums of money that you can deduct from the overall corporate or income tax on its profits, derived for example from purchase and use of fixed (non-current) assets.

In Malaysian tax, you can claim a one-time allowance for the first year (usually at a higher rate than annual allowance) called an initial allowance for fixed assets and written down allowance or annual allowance for subsequent years which is the annual rate in which capital allowances can be claimed. The written down allowance can be reduced or extended if the chargeable period is shorter or longer than a year.

You can keep a record of capital allowances in this tab for your tax claiming purposes. There are no GL postings from this tab.

1.    Key in the total amount of cost that qualifies for claiming capital allowances

2.    The amount of capital allowance claimed

3.    The balance of qualifying capital expenditure claimable

4.    The Amount is calculated automatically after you enter the Tax Qualified Cost and Percentage


Memo/ Service Details tab

Enter additional details about this fixed asset not entered under the Fixed Assets Code Details tab.


You can enter the name of the insurance policy for this fixed asset and the date of renewal of the insurance policy.


There is space to enter additional details for this fixed asset.