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Fixed Assets Report

Fixed Assets Report


You can use the Fixed Assets Report to display the fixed asset list and the month end transactions list for the selected asset categories. Some of these reports can also be displayed by selecting the Print button from Quick View screens.

1.    See below for examples for these formats

Fixed Assets List Category List

This shows a fixed asset category list and their basic details, filtered by asset category.

Fixed Assets Month End

This displays a list of fixed asset month end transactions, filtered by Asset ID.

Fixed Assets List

This shows a list of fixed assets and their basic details, categorised and filtered by Asset ID.

Fixed Assets Month End by Category

This displays a list of fixed asset Month End Run transactions, filtered by Asset ID and


Fixed Assets List by Category

This displays a list of fixed assets and their basic details, filtered by Asset ID and category.



Fixed Assets Month End by Department

This shows a list of fixed asset month end transactions, filtered by Asset ID and department.


Fixed Assets Disposal Details

This shows the a list of disposal transaction details, filtered by Asset ID and category.