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Purchase Entry

Purchase Entry


Purchase entry does not involve stock control (i.e. no stock in/out from product master stock).

Also, selecting Print from this screen will not print an actual invoice voucher, but instead print the associated double entries for that transaction.

Purchase Entry Quick View screen

All entries created under Purchase Entry are displayed here, i.e. Purchase Invoice, Purchase Debit Note and Purchase Credit Note.

1.    A red entry indicates a Purchase Credit Note (with a negative amount)

Purchase Entry transaction screens

You enter this screen when selecting New to create a new entry. You can choose to create a Purchase Invoice (for credit purchases from a supplier), Purchase Debit Note (when supplier increases their invoiced amount) and Purchase Credit Note (when supplier decreases their invoiced amount).

Purchase Invoice transaction screen

Debit Note transaction screen (supplier increase their invoice amount)


Note: The screen for Debit Note details is the same as the Sales Invoice details screen, except that this is usually for a smaller amount and the Description is defaulted to “SALES DEBIT NOTE”.The default Description for this is “PURCHASE DEBIT NOTE”.

Credit Note transaction screen (supplier decrease their invoice amount)


Note: You need to enter a negative sign in front of the amount to as the invoiced amount is reduced [A message box will pop out above if you don’t enter a negative sign].

The Description for this screen is defaulted to “PURCHASE CREDIT NOTE”.

(Refer to the Introduction chapter for the use of each field and how to key in transactions in these transaction screens)