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Sales Quotation

Sales Quotation


Sales quotations are issued to a prospective buyer for them to see what costs are charged for goods sold or services rendered for them. For example, the prices of materials used or manpower may vary. Also, the estimated and actual cost could vary. This information helps the customer to decide which company to use.


The price stated on the sales quotation is not a final price. When the price is confirmed, then a sales order is issued showing the final price.


At the sales quotation stage, there is no accounting effect and no effect to stock control (i.e. no stock movement in the stock ledger).


Sales Quotation Quick View screen


1.    After a sales quotation has been picked up in Sales Order, the voucher number for the sales order is displayed here



Sales Quotation transaction screen

Select New from the Quick View or double-click on an entry to edit.


Sales Quotation Details tab

1.    GL Code: The GL code can be selected here, but there are no accounting

postings at this stage. It will be picked up in Sales Order and then Delivery Order and Invoice (where the amount is credited into this GL code)



Delivery Address tab

Select your customer delivery address and enter additional customer information. You need to have created additional delivery addresses from the Delivery Address button in the Customer Master.


1.    Write additional notes for this quotation

2.    Select another delivery address for this customer that you created in the Customer Master

After selecting the delivery address, you can further keep a note of the customer’s telephone and who taken the order