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Cash Sales

Cash Sales (Batch Posting)


Mr Accounting has a separate screen for Cash Sales, for transactions with customers where cash is received at the point of sale (instead of cash being owed to us by the customer).

Transactions in this screen are automatically entered under the default “Cash Account” customer code that has already been created when you first create a new company.



Cash Sales Quick View screen

Cash Sales Transaction tab [in red box].



Cash Sales transaction screen

You will enter this screen after selecting New or editing an existing Cash Sales entry.

1.    The Official Receipt button is to print out a receipt for this transactionPrint function


When you select Print in the Quick View screen, then the following window will pop out.


1.    Filter data

2.    Tick to print a summary format instead of a customer receipt [see example below]



Example 1: Summary unticked




Example 2: summary ticked

This will print out the double entries instead.








Monthly Cash Received with Graph

Selecting the Monthly Cash Receive with Graph tab [in red box above]. This generates a graph showing the amount of cash sales each month. You can use the Prtscn key to copy an image of this chart to put inside your PowerPoint slides etc.