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Closing Stock

Closing Stock


The Closing Stock feature is used for doing closing stock using the method of periodical inventory. You don’t have to post closing stock for perpetual inventory because each stock in and stock out transaction automatically updates the stock code in the general ledger.

Note: Perpetual Inventory is only available in Mysoft ERP system, a more advanced version

You would enter the closing stock figure for example after you perform a stock take at the month end or year end.

The two methods to perform closing stock are summarised in the table below:


Table format

Journal format

What is it?

This uses a table to key in closing stock for each month.

This uses journal entries to enter closing stock. You need to key in a debit and credit entry.


Amount of closing stock each month can be easily changed after saving.

Easier to perform audit on journal entries. Journal entries appear in Audit Trail report.

Both methods post the figure to Closing Stock under cost of sales in the statement of profit or loss and Finished Goods under current assets in the balance sheet.


How do I choose which method to use for closing stock?

Select Admin Tools Company Settings.

1.    Tick to use Journal format, untick to use Table format



Table format (default)

It is recommended to use table format to enter closing stock, as it is easier to use and understand.


Stock take performed at the end of January showed finished goods of 100000, raw materials of 10000 and work in progress of 10000.

1.    Enter these amounts under the month of January

2.    Carry forward function: [see below]



Carry forward function


3.    Enter 100000 as Stock – Finished Goods in January

If you tick the checkbox, then the amount automatically carries forward to future months [see red box below].

If you untick the box, then it will not carry over, the remaining months have no balance and are empty. The closing stock only carries forward to become opening stock for the next month [see red box below].


Journal format (tick the checkbox in Company Settings)

The Closing Stock screen changes to a journal format if this is ticked.

Select General Ledger Closing Stock.

Closing Stock Quick View screen.


Create New/Edit closing stock transaction

Select New to create new entry and double click on a transaction to edit.

Note: If you have done many closing stock adjustments previously, then you can use the Memorise function to save a template, then use the Recall function to load this template and change the amounts to save time.



How to enter closing stock after stock take

Example: The stock take showed a total amount of 16750 as closing stock for this month.

1.    Debit Finished Goods (13100) for 16750.

2.    Credit Closing Stock Adjustment for Finished Goods (69997) for 16750.



How to make subsequent adjustments

Example: Next month, the stock take showed a total amount of 17750 for closing stock. You need to do an adjustment to increase closing stock by 1000.

1.    Date: date of stock take next month

2.    Debit Finished Goods (13100) with 1000.

3.    Credit Closing Stock Adjustment for Finished Goods (69997) with 1000


These transactions are reflected in the profit or loss statement and the balance sheet.

The profit or loss statement shows the closing stock of 16750 for June and the adjustment of 1000 in July [see red box below].


The balance sheet shows the finished goods of 17750 after the 1000 adjustment [see red box below].



Out of balance

You need to balance the debit and credit totals for the Closing Stock journal format. You cannot save if they are out of balance. A message will pop up as below if you select Save.


Print closing stock voucher/summary

Select Print from the Closing Stock Quick View screen to open a new window as below. This is similar to the window for Other GL Journal.