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Import Module

Import Module


You can use this tool to import Master files or transaction data from other software into the system. The most commonly imported master files are the Customer, Supplier and Product (Stock) master files [see red box below].

Excel or CSV File Import Tool Main Menu screen

It is recommended that you only import the master files from your old software. You are not recommended to import all transactions because the chances of your database being corrupted are higher when more data from transactions are imported.

Instead of importing all transactions, you can import only the master files and then key in the opening balances for customers, supplier and general ledger.

(Refer to the blue Mr Accounting guide book on how to key in opening balances)

After selecting a file that you wish to import, you will enter into a Quick View screen.



Example of Import Tool Quick View screen (for Cash Book Payment under GL Transaction column) : You can refer to this screen for an overview and explanations for the use of each button

1.    You can double click on the error code to show a description of their meaning

2.    You can see a summary of the errors in the Error list and the type of errors under Error detected

Browse: Select this button to locate your Excel template file to be imported (you need to generate one first then fill in the data according to the columns)

Validate: After selecting the Browse button and selecting your Excel template file, click on Validate to check if there are any errors in the template (these errors will show up in the error list below)

Import: Select this to confirm import of data into the Mr Accounting system. You can only Import if there were no errors detected earlier when you selected Validate.

Note: You can still import if there errors related to the tax amount

Reset: This clears the file path above to import a new file

Export Error Log: You can use this button to export the error list above into an Excel spreadsheet


Export Excel Template: Before you can begin to import, you need to select this button to generate an Excel template for the selected master file or transaction. After generating this template, you can open it and arrange data from the other software into the columns in the template. After this, you can then select this file to import into the system [see the example on the next pages].

Format Info: This opens a new window that lets you know what type of data (e.g. date, currency, string etc) and the maximum length and decimal places for that field [see example below]

Error History: You can generate a report showing the history of errors filtered by the selected data

Error Code: This opens a new window showing a list of error codes and a description showing their meaning


Step by Step guide on how to import data using Import Tools


Importing a list of customers from the other software into the Customer Master

Go to Import Module Customer

You need to generate an Excel template which contains many columns that you can arrange data into.

Step 1: Select Export Excel template to generate an Excel template file.

Step 2: Open the Excel template in Microsoft Excel. The template is empty when you first open it

Step 3: Export the customer list from other software into an Excel list. From that list, copy each column to fill in all relevant fields.

For example, copy the column for customer code from other software and paste it in the first column Customer Code

Step 4: Scroll right to fill in all remaining fields, particularly those compulsory fields with *.

a.      If you see an asterisk (*) at the left of the field, then this is a compulsory field that needs to be filled up. It cannot be left blank.

Step 5: Select the Office button on the top left corner and then select Save As Excel 97-2003 format [see red box below].

Step 6: Select your directory and file name then Save.

a.    Select your directory

b.    Key in your File name

c.    Make sure it is 97-2003 format

d.    Save the file

Step 7: Close the Excel file and go back to the Customer Import screen.


a. Note: If there are errors, then they appear in the list below. You can double click on the error code for a description of the error.

Step 8: Select the Browse button then choose the Excel template file (this should end with .xls)

Step 9: Select Validate to check for errors which will appear in the Error list below

Note: If there are errors, then you need to correct them in the Excel template first.

For example, if there is a duplicate code, then use a different code. Then save the changes to the Excel template and select Validate again.

Step 10: After correcting all errors, a success message should pop out after selecting

Validate. Select OK.

Step 11: After validating successfully, select Import to import the data into the Customer Master.

Step 12: A success message should pop out after selecting Import. Select OK.

DONE! Now go to the Customer Master to check your data [see next page].

The Customer Master has been populated with the list of customers, indicating that the import from the template file has been successful!

Troubleshooting (common problems encountered in Import Tools)

Q1: Why does the message “You tried to commit or rollback a transaction without first

beginning a transaction” appear after selecting Validate?

A1: In the Excel file some cells may have a number format. This will appear on the right side of the cell [highlighted in yellow below].

You should convert these into a text format as the Import Tool only supports text format.

Numbers stored in a text format have a small green triangle on the top left corner and are arranged on the left side of a cell [see red box below].


How to convert a number format to a text format?

Step 1: Select the column that you need to convert to text

Step 2: Select Text to Columns under Data Tools. A new window opens as below.

Step 3: Choose Delimited

Step 4: Select Next

Step 5: Select Next

Step 6: Select Text

Step 7: Select Finish

Step 8: This column should be converted into a text format with a green triangle on the top left hand corner

Step 9: Repeat the steps above for all other columns with a number format

After converting to text format, a success message should pop out after you select Validate as below.

Q2: Why does the message “The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data” appear after selecting Validate?

A2: The cell data length in Excel was too long for one or more fields.

You can check the maximum field length for each field by clicking on Format Info [in red box].

1.    You can scroll down to see the max length for each field

Please check the Excel file and shorten (truncate) the fields that seem too long [e.g. highlighted in yellow below].

You can truncate using the Excel formula like “=LEFT(B7,50)” for a maximum length of 50 characters.

After truncating, the length should be exactly 50 characters. Now go back and try importing again.

You should see a success message after selecting Validate.

Q3: Why does the message “XXX.xls has been imported on XX/XX/XXXX” appear after selecting Validate?

A3: You cannot import the same Excel file into the same company twice. This is to prevent duplication of data.

Q4: Can I use the ‘ (apostrophe) key (beside Enter) in Microsoft Excel?

A4: Yes. But these apostrophes will be converted to the ` (left tick) key (above Tab key and beside the number 1 key) after they are imported into Mr Accounting.