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Help > C3- INVOICING >
Issue Cash Sales

Issue Cash Sales


A cash sale is a sale settled in cash at the point of sale. No money is owed by the customer.

The Issue Cash Sale transaction created under the Invoicing module has stock control, i.e. it affects inventory management. In Mr Accounting, the cash sales amount is treated as invoiced and also paid.

There are no postings into the customer code for this module. Only the Cash Sales transaction in the Customer module will post the cash entry into the “CASH” customer code.

Cash Sales Quick View screen

1.    The print checkbox is ticked after the cash sales voucher has been printed (use this to check for which have been printed and issued)

Cash Sales transaction screen

Select New to create new credit note or double click a credit note to edit.

Tip: You can use the Default Settings button in the Invoicing module to set default Customer Code, Bank Code and Warehouse [in red boxes] and other functions [see Default Settings]