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Issue Credit Note

Issue Credit Note


A credit note or credit memorandum (memo) is a commercial document issued by the seller to the buyer. The seller issues a credit note for the same of lower amount than the invoiced amount, then repays the money to the buyer or sets it off from balance due from other transactions.

A credit note lists the products, quantities and agreed prices for the products or services the seller provided the buyer, but the buyer returned or did not receive. It can be issued in the case of damaged goods, errors or allowances. The credit note reduces or eliminates the amount the buyer has to pay.

In Mr Accounting, the Issue Credit Note in the Invoicing module refers to a sales credit note, whereby we are issuing a credit note to a customer from the viewpoint of a seller. You can pick up an invoice details from the transaction screen. Similar to the invoice, the accounting double entries are posted for the credit note after you have saved the transaction.



Credit Note Quick View screen


Credit Note transaction screen

Select New to create new credit note or double click a credit note entry to edit. The transaction screen is the same as the Issue Invoice and Issue Debit Note transaction screens earlier.

1.    Pickup Invoice function: You can pick up the details of a created invoice so that you can easily see what quantities and amounts were invoiced.

Note: If you use this function, you still have to match the credit note to the selected invoice in Customer Receipt under Matching (CN/Receipt).