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Issue Debit Note

Issue Debit Note


A debit note is a commercial document issued by the buyer to the seller to formally request a credit note. A seller might also issue a debit note instead of an invoice the increase the amount of an already issued invoice.

Debit notes are usually used in business-to-business transactions. These types of transactions often involve an extension of credit, which means that a seller would send a delivery of goods to a company before the goods have been paid for. Inventories shipped and payments owed are tracked in the accounting system using debit and credit entries.

The debit note in this screen is for a sales debit note, meaning we are issuing a debit note to a customer to increase the invoiced amount from the view point of a seller. The accounting effect is the same as an invoice, except that it is usually for a smaller amount.


Debit note Quick View screen


Debit Note transaction screen

Select New to create a new debit note entry or double click to edit an existing debit note entry.

The layout of this screen is the same as for the Issue Invoice transaction screen. You cannot pickup details from a delivery order, but can only do so in the Issue Invoice transaction screen.


Note: Similar to Issue Invoice, the Contact field picks up the Contact Person name and the Contact Person phone no.