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Issue Invoice

Issue Invoice


An invoice, bill or tab is a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer, which relates to a sale transaction. The invoice indicates the products, quantities, and agreed prices or services the seller had provided the buyer. The term invoice indicates that money is owed or owing.

The payment terms are also stated on the invoice, which specifies the maximum number of days to settle the invoice, and a ‘settlement discount’ is sometimes offered if payment is made before the due date. In some cases, the buyer has already paid for the products or services listed on the invoice.

The invoice in this screen refers to a sales invoice, whereby we are issuing the invoice from the point of a seller. The invoice is called a purchase invoice if we are receiving the invoice (e.g. from a supplier) from the point of a buyer.

The invoice is the starting point for GL double entry postings for sales transactions. The accounting double entries are automatically posted to the trade debtor control account and the selected GL code in the invoice transaction screen.


Issue Invoice Quick View screen

1.    Reference: This is picked up from the Your Reference No field in Issue Invoice details screen

2.    The print checkbox is ticked after the invoiced has been printed (for checking which invoice vouchers have been printed and issued)


Invoice transaction screen

Select New to create new invoice or double click an invoice to edit.


1.    Use another Delivery Address created in Customer Master

2.    Your Reference No: This is shown in the Invoice Quick View screen

3.    Pickup: The details picked up are from Delivery Order

Note: The Contact field in Issue Invoice [in red box] picks up the Contact Person name and the Contact Person Phone No, whereas this field in Issue Delivery Order picks up the Contact Person name and Customer Phone No [see below]

Example: Customer Details for customer Beh1


1.   Customer Phone No: Used in Delivery Order

2.   Contact Person Phone No: Used in Issue Invoice

If you want add some extra information for a product in invoice. Users’ can press magnify glass under Extra Note and Tax Code to call out this field to add extra information.

1.    Under Description column users’ can key the long description for your product.

2.    If you give additional discount for one product users’ can give discount percentage or amount.

3.    Users’ also can make decision whether want inclusive or exclusive tax in you unit prices by tick it the Inclusive Tax. If want exclusive users just to untick the Inclusive Tax box.

Printing invoices

After creating an invoice, you can print the invoice document to be issued to your customer. This follows the format of a Tax Invoice if you have enabled GST when creating a company.

Select Print in the Invoice Quick View screen.

1.    Range of invoices to print

2.    Customise format

Example: Default “customise format” for invoices


Note: There is no heading for the customer details and no invoice details at the top for the customise format.

Example: Default normal format for invoices (“Customise format” unticked)


Note: There are headings for the customer details and invoice details at the top for the normal format.