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Issue Delivery Order

Issue Delivery Order


A delivery order refers to an order given by an owner of goods to a person in possession of them (the carrier or warehouseman) directing that person to deliver the goods to a person named in the order.

Stock is considered as despatched and deducted from free stock after the delivery order document has been created in the system. However, there is no accounting effect at this point. (Accounting double entries are posted in Issue Invoice).

From the transaction screen, you can pick up Sales Order documents. You pick up created delivery order documents under Issue Invoice.


Issue Delivery Order Quick View screen

1.    Invoice No: If the DO has been picked up/converted into an invoice, then the invoice no is for that DO is displayed here

2.    Days: show how many days after the DO has been issued

3.    DO Printed: If ticked, this means that DO has been printed before

Note: The delivery order entry is shown in red if it has been 21 days or more since it has been issued and it has not yet been picked up in Issue Invoice. This lets you know which delivery orders need to be adjusted for under DO Tax Clearing in the Sales Entry Adjustment screen under the GST module.

(The GST 21-day rule states that delivery orders that have not yet been converted into an invoice after 21 days or more must have their tax figure declared and provided for in the GST-03 Return Form. The tax point is the date of issue of the delivery order)


Delivery Order transaction screen

Select New or double click on a delivery order in the Quick View screen to enter this new screen.

1.    Use another Delivery Address created in Customer Master

2.    The SOP No and Sales Order No are filled up if you pick up from Sales Order

3.    Analysis Code: This is picked up directly from the Customer Master

4.    The terms is taken from the credit terms field under Default/ Credit Settings in the Customer Master


Printing delivery orders

After creating a delivery order, you can select Print to print the document.


Note: Only the quantity is displayed on the delivery order and not amount, because delivery order only affects stock control and there is no accounting effect.

Although there is a separate report file (IN-DO363-N1.RPT) for “customise report” which you can edit yourself with Crystal Reports, by default, this report file is no different from the normal format.