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Default Setting

Default Settings


You can set the current prefix and running number for documents in the Invoicing module, and set other default codes here. These default codes are selected when you first create a transaction in the Invoicing module.

1.    If ticked, then pressing the Enter key will make cursor go to the box below instead of the box to the right when entering Cash Sales transactions

2.    If ticked, the clicking on Print when in the transaction details screen will skip the preview and directly print the voucher

3.    These are the default starting running numbers for each of these documents.

Example: DO00000 will start the next DO voucher number from DO00001, DO00002, DO00003 etc.

4.   Set the GL code to post the debit entry for sales discount (The amount in the discount column gets posted to this GL code)

5.  For Cash Sales entry, set default customer code, bank code and warehouse [see example below]


Example: After setting default settings, Cash Sales will default with Customer Code of B00001, Bank Code of 11310 and Warehouse of None.