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Stock In

Stock In


The Stock In transaction is used to receive your chosen stock into the inventory, without selecting a supplier.

Examples of scenarios:

1.      Entering the opening balance (quantity and cost) of stock into the stock ledger

2.      Adding back written off stock

3.      Stock returns from customers for repair


Stock In Quick View screen


Create new/edit stock in transaction

Select New to create and double click on transaction to edit.

Just like other transaction screens, you select the date and product. However, you don’t need to enter a supplier in this screen.


Print stock in

Selecting Print from the Stock In transaction screen opens a new window below.

1.    Select Stock In number to print

2.    Select number of copies

3.    Select which format to print (see examples below)

Example 1 (print Goods Received Note):

This can also be printed by selecting the Print button from the Stock In Quick View screen, where you can tick to select to include a Cost Price column. From the Quick View screen, it is also possible to select a range of stock in vouchers to print instead of only one voucher from this screen.

Example 2 (print Barcode Labels):

This generates labels with the product name and product code of each product selected in the transaction screen (one product label per page).

Example 3 (print Product List):

This generates a list with the product name and product code of all products selected in the transaction screen (on the same page).


Print goods received note

You can print a goods received note voucher from the Stock In Quick View screen.

Select Print and a new window will pop out as below.

1.    Tick to add a column for cost price for each product

Example (with cost price ticked):

A column with Cost price [in red box] is included in the report.